Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Top 3 for 2017

hashtag new year new you boo boo!
Usually, I'm excited for the new year; I am pumped to reflect on the previous year and write new goals for the next.  This year, however was different.  I struggled to identify my goals, including fitness and professional.  As a whole, I felt neutral about 2017, which was fast approaching.  Now that we're 2 days into what, I have now decided, will be the best year of my life [thus far], I have identified 3 goals for 2017!

hashtag goals
Image result for hashtag goals1. get knowledge, get understanding: Over the years, I've had many questions and I've accepted the answers that were given to me; in some cases, I settled for "I don't wanna know that bad" when I decided that it wasn't important enough to search it out for myself.  It has been almost 10 years since I completed post-secondary education and am currently in retail.  This has left me out of touch with cutting edge information and quite frankly, I have settled for "what's good, is good enough".  In 2017, I want my knowledge to reflect my desire... not only in fitness and nutrition but spiritual revelation, as well.  I'm committed to learning this year and to take it a step further...I'm challenging myself to share this knowledge with you and others!

2. quick to hear, slow to speak: ironically, I tend to have a delayed response in situations, which you would think is perfect for this goal... However, instead of taking the time to gather my thoughts before responding, I'll often dismiss a conversation with fillers before I've had time to process what was said. ("that's fine" "I know right" "Ok, cool")   Regardless of whether it's a positive, negative or neutral situation, I need to be present and willing to stay vested in the conversation, so I'm not re-evaluating dialogue that happened minutes, hours or even days before.  Thankfully, between my husband making me open up and talk through my feelings and my job, encouraging us to be open and direct with one another, I have been thrust into this openness called communication.  While I have grown leaps and bounds in this area, I realize that it is still a work in progress (even as of today), which is why the goal follows me into 2017.

3. cast all cares: For 2017 this simply means to lighten up - to throw off the unnecessary, internal, pressure I put on myself, and exchange my burden for Jesus', which is light and easy to be born.  I'm an observer and an internalizer (that should definitely be a word 😊), which basically translates into girl-you-think-too-much!  So I've walked into 2017 a lot lighter and I'm determined not to pick up any extra baggage along the way.

hashtag sum it up
The goal is to have something to contribute to the lives of those I love, listen for when it's appropriate to share, respond honestly AND in love, and don't worry about how it's received.  If I'm wrong, Holy Spirit will check me and I can First-John One-Nine that thing and keep it moving.

hashtag No Condemation
hashtag Happy New Year! 😉