Wednesday, December 14, 2016

i'm just talkin about me

So, my last post was about thoughts and how important it is to take control of them.  Before posting, I read it to my husband and he said it was good (granted I did read it while he was across from me, trading at his computer).  Apparently he read it again AFTER I had posted and had feedback for me..."it just seemed cold, more instructional.  I didn't really feel a connection to you"  LOL  No he didn't!  But maybe it's because I was trying to share something personal, without giving too much information. :)

Y'all wanna feel connected to me?  Well I'm going to share what the root of my problem thought life was...LUST.

According to google, lust is described as a passionate desire for something.  Synonyms include: greed, desire, craving, covetousness, eagerness, longing, yearning, hunger, thirst, appetite. 

And I thought my issue was comparing myself to others LOL.  But remember, I said the root of the problem.  Once the Lord revealed this to me, and I started thinking about it, it did make since.  I knew that I wasn't lusting for other men or anything sexual, however, I did have lust in my heart for what other people had...for example, I would compare my body to other women.  I followed fitness enthusiasts on social media and I would covet their body parts...a nice butt, small waist and six pack abs.  I would say "I wanna look like that".  

Before I go further, let me be clear.  Having been a fitness professional and someone who enjoys working out, there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to improve your health and even your body, aesthetically.  However, women on social media, friends, or people in the gym are NOT the standard for you, or me for that matter. Why?  Because you are the only you that exists and I am the only me. Therefore, you are your own standard, and our goal should be to become the best version of ourselves.

But I we got lusting after someone else's looks and as if that wasn't enough, Holy Spirit outed me on lusting for things.  I enjoy shopping.  In itself, there is nothing wrong with shopping, however it became something I longed for.  Since I've been married, me and the word budget have become very acquainted and credit cards are no longer an option for a couple who decided to live debt-free.  When I was able to shop, I wanted to get everything I could, and once I shopped, instead of being content, I only could think about the next purchases I wanted to make LOL.  I somewhat envied the girls at work who could shop whenever they wanted.  I thought about my college years of being so financial illiterate, that my swipe-now-think-later philosophy filled my closet with the latest and greatest.  

Honestly, I didn't want to go back there.  I want to be free from people, happy in my own skin, enjoy things without the things having me, and put value in what's most important (which nine times out of ten are the things that don't cost a dime).  The first step for me was to repent, for allowing myself to be carried away by the lust of the flesh and the lust and longing of the eyes...(see 1 John 2:15-17 AMP).  I was concerning myself with the things of this world.  And the word says that if you love the world, the love of the father is not in you.  

After I repented, I found a couple scriptures that I could meditate on.  The two main ones are the 1 John scripture listed above, and Galatians 5:16-26.  I read and re-read these scriptures in multiple translations and talked out how they applied to me...everyday for about a month.  I intentionally thought of these scriptures when lustful thoughts came up.  

Next, I started to un-follow girls that were a distraction to me.  The bible says that we are to guard our eyes, and how was I supposed to walk in freedom if I was constantly looking at images that made me feel inferior?  When working out in the gym, I purposely kept my eyes up rather than looking at other girls' workouts and how they looked in their lulus.  I literally felt like a man, having to bounce my eyes when someone walked by.  Can you say, stronghold?

When at work, I would be excited about my co-workers getting something new.  I wanted to see it, and I didn't get down because I couldn't get it right then.  I purposely became content with what I have.  There's nothing that I need and I even have things that I want...I was not missing out.  I made a decision to delay my gratification for what was important to me and my husband which means not being impulsive.  When I did shop, I was happy with what I got and knew that I didn't have to fret, because there would be a next time.  

I still do all these things, and I've noticed a tremendous shift in my thought life.  I check dark thoughts so much easier now; I'm aware of when they carry me away and I quickly regain control by replacing it with something positive.  This was one of the strongholds in my life and the same method can be applied to anything you may be dealing with. You just have to be open to the correction of Holy Spirit and be willing to do what it takes.  I don't claim to be where I want to be, I'm not perfect, "but I actively press on so that I may take hold of that [perfection] for which Christ Jesus took hold of me and made me his own". Philippians 3:12 AMP



Monday, December 12, 2016

what's on your mind?

Recently, the Lord showed me where my thoughts had gotten out of control.  When He showed me the root of what I was dealing with, I proceeded to repent, pray and search scriptures on the issue.

With any issue that we face, the word has something to say about it and as mentioned in my previous post, it is our job to find out what it says.  Once we know what the word says, we are to renew our minds by meditating on it, rather than the thoughts that the enemy wants us to focus on.  But thoughts are just thoughts, they mean nothing, right?  No, that couldn't be further from the truth.  How we think is who we become (Proverbs 23:7).  We also know that the number of thoughts that go through our minds on a given day, fall in the category of good, bad and just off LOL. For this reason, we have to be diligent about what we allow ourselves to actually think on.

You may say, "how do I know if my thoughts are contrary to God?" Continually focusing on how you don't have enough money, the man or woman in the gym, or even playing out the scenario of what you would say if someone got out of line, are examples of choosing to meditate on the wrong things.  Unchecked thoughts can lead to worry, lust, pride and fear creeping into our hearts, which is a tactic of the enemy to draw us further from God and His word. (Mark 4:18-19)

What you meditate on in your mind, gets in your heart, once it's in your heart, it's bound to come out of your mouth and be put into action...get the picture?

Okay, so what do we think on?
...Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise... Philippians 4:8
The fact that the bible says, we're not only to be aware of our thoughts, but control them, shows how capable we really are!  You have more say about what goes on in your life than you previously thought; don't be tempted to pass your bad behavior off on a "I had no control" excuse.  Examine what you've been continually putting in your ears, eyes and mind; you may find that situations you're in, are a result of giving up control and opening the door to the enemy.

The good news, is the door can be closed! So the next time your thoughts start to carry you away on a tangent, interrupt them and bring them into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5) Make that thought line up with what the word says by saying and continually thinking on the word; then do it again and again and again.


Tuesday, December 6, 2016

next time pray...and do it in faith

Image result for pray in faithHave you ever told someone you would pray for them?  How often did you actually pray? Some Christians have diluted prayer - something that is powerful and effective [James 5:16] - down to saying grace or something as trivial as saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.

The Lord let me know that when I say I'm going to pray for someone, I need to do it.  The question that came to me was "are you saying you'll pray because it's the nice thing to do or do you really believe that a prayer in faith changes things?" I had to think about it; there have been times when I prayed for someone and I worried about it being answered.  I didn't want people to think that God wasn't good and that prayer doesn't work.  But girl, where is your faith?!  You see, prayer diluted is offered when we feel bad for someone else, when it's the "right thing" to do.  A prayer can even be initiated out of fear/worry (which we know won't amount to anything), but a prayer of faith is given when you hear something contrary to God's word and your spirit rises and says, "uh uh, that's not right"  That kind of prayer isn't concerned about what people will think, there is no wavering, only beliveing.  This prayer isn't your own words, it's simply the word of God!

I believe that this is what's missing in a lot of our prayers, the actual word...the word of God is what contains the power and our faith produces the results.  Hebrews 4:12 says the word is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword...; your prayer becomes alive when you use the living word.  If you don't know what the word says, find out.  Get the information you need from the prayer request and find out what the word says about the situation.  (you also have the option to pray in the spirit when you don't know what to pray and that's another blog ☺)  Then, hold on to that word; don't be moved by what you see and believe that you have it as soon as you pray [Mark 11:24].

Ex. A friend/co-worker has been worried or stress about work
A prayer that you could pray: Lord, I thank you for name.  I know that it is not your will for her to be worried because you said not to have anxiety about anything but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving to continue to make our wants known to you.  So we ask now for wisdom and favor on name's job.  Give her a spirit of excellence and help her to walk it out.  Lord, as a result of our prayer, we expect your peace to come upon name's heart and mind.  I ask you to help her to cast the care of all her concerns and anxiety, concerning work, onto you because you care for her.  We thank you that she walks in great peace in Jesus' name, Amen
Philippians 4:6-8; 1 Peter 5:6-7 
(Prayer your Foundation for Success, Kenneth Copeland)

The next time you have an opportunity to pray for someone, relish in the opportunity and privilege; pray for the person right on the spot, endeavor to do it later in your private time or add them to your prayer list...and remember to put the word on it.
