Monday, December 12, 2016

what's on your mind?

Recently, the Lord showed me where my thoughts had gotten out of control.  When He showed me the root of what I was dealing with, I proceeded to repent, pray and search scriptures on the issue.

With any issue that we face, the word has something to say about it and as mentioned in my previous post, it is our job to find out what it says.  Once we know what the word says, we are to renew our minds by meditating on it, rather than the thoughts that the enemy wants us to focus on.  But thoughts are just thoughts, they mean nothing, right?  No, that couldn't be further from the truth.  How we think is who we become (Proverbs 23:7).  We also know that the number of thoughts that go through our minds on a given day, fall in the category of good, bad and just off LOL. For this reason, we have to be diligent about what we allow ourselves to actually think on.

You may say, "how do I know if my thoughts are contrary to God?" Continually focusing on how you don't have enough money, the man or woman in the gym, or even playing out the scenario of what you would say if someone got out of line, are examples of choosing to meditate on the wrong things.  Unchecked thoughts can lead to worry, lust, pride and fear creeping into our hearts, which is a tactic of the enemy to draw us further from God and His word. (Mark 4:18-19)

What you meditate on in your mind, gets in your heart, once it's in your heart, it's bound to come out of your mouth and be put into action...get the picture?

Okay, so what do we think on?
...Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise... Philippians 4:8
The fact that the bible says, we're not only to be aware of our thoughts, but control them, shows how capable we really are!  You have more say about what goes on in your life than you previously thought; don't be tempted to pass your bad behavior off on a "I had no control" excuse.  Examine what you've been continually putting in your ears, eyes and mind; you may find that situations you're in, are a result of giving up control and opening the door to the enemy.

The good news, is the door can be closed! So the next time your thoughts start to carry you away on a tangent, interrupt them and bring them into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5) Make that thought line up with what the word says by saying and continually thinking on the word; then do it again and again and again.


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