Monday, December 14, 2015

Because Glutes

Glute development from February, 2015 (top) to December, 2015 (bottom).
I have developed a love-hate relationship with these shorts LOL they don't lie yall!
I must say that I was extremely excited to take my progress pics for this month because I have noticed the difference in my clothes; I know I have gained muscle in my glutes, BUT I was equally disappointed when I saw the pictures.  "It still looks so small." Is what I told my husband.  I think he knew what I meant but he focused on how far I've come.  Even the "before" pic doesn't depict just how UNshapely my glutes were when I first began weight training...I had a pancake butt LOL.

I've always been very self-conscious of my body in general but definitely of my backside.  However, since taking on lifting, I have been noticeably more confident.  (A lot of the this is due to my spiritual journey as well.  I've had to acknowledge some things, renew my mind about who I am in Christ and avoid comparing myself to others).  This is all still a journey but I have come so far from where I began, physically and mentally.

Back to the subject at I look at these pictures, I felt an initial embarrassment that after almost a year, this is all I have to show.  But as I look closer, I begin to appreciate the small things...shapelier quads, fuller backside and some noticeable lift in the glutes.  Things that can't be seen: I am improving my mind-muscle connection (I now feel the burn!), I'm stronger and I am more my clothes and in my skin.

I can appreciate these pics, but I'm not satisfied with my progress.  The pictures don't make me want to quit but they make me want to continue to work hard to see more results.  I have to constantly remind myself that my journey is my own and it's about improving from where I started, not relative to the "average" black girl...and now white girl booty today!  I now understand that it doesn't do any good wondering why you weren't born looking a certain way.  You have what you have.  But you don't have to feel stuck where you are.  If you don't like something, change it, don't use your genetics as an excuse to stay where you are, if you desire something more.  I may not have the natural genetics of big hips and a round booty, but working out is proof that I can enhance what my "mama gave me"'s just taking a LOT of extra work! :)

Latest Glute Program: I've started one of Brett Contreras' Glute programs.  The idea is to train glutes multiple times per week as opposed to one or two.  I've trained glutes/legs up to 3 times per week, but no more.  For this reason, his program is a bit out of my comfort zone (I'm skeptical about training my other body parts less because I don't want to lose what I've worked for in other areas). However, booty gains are my primary focus right now and it's time my workouts reflect it.  I'm doing something I've never done to get results that I've never seen.  I'll keep you posted on my progress!


Monday, November 2, 2015

Work Day "Itch"


As you all know, it is my goal to be able to be a work-at-home-wife.  This isn't just for the sake of staying at home, but because in my heart I know I'm not meant to work a regular job.  You also know that I am currently a manager at a non-profit organization, which is actually pretty cool.  I have the balance of interacting with people and working alone on my own time.  What I do is simple, but has proven to be challenging.  This is good for me though, as I have been known to quit things that get too tough.

While I know this job isn't my final stop, I have to focus on what I need to learn from it.  I know that the Lord gave me this job and that means there is a reason I am here.  Some of the "aha" moments that I've had

-This position challenges me to work when no one else is watching (which is ironic because I am writing while at work-that's that itch! LOL).  But seriously, I have deadlines and programs to push, but what I do in between is up to me.  All that matters are the end other words it requires self-discipline; a word that I have been studying lately.

-This position challenges me to get out of my comfort zone.  Talking with people, making connections and selling the programs.  I know that I need to sell myself in the Arts and Entertainment arena (my mountain) and it's something that I am not comfortable doing.  My husband calls it a false humility...Paul says in Romans 12:3 that we are to think of ourselves soberly...not higher than we are but certainly not lower than God created us to be.  I don't think of myself as better than anyone else because who I am, is in Christ.  I am also no worse than anyone else because of who I am in Christ.  Get it?!  I haven't gotten it 100% either LOL but I'm pressing on toward the mark and this position is helping me do it.

If you're wanting more from your current situation, if you have that "itch"...scratch it.  It's okay to acknowledge and strive after God's best for you, but let's not despise small beginnings.  Don't get so consumed with the end results that you neglect the work that yields them.   After all, if you don't learn the lesson now, you won't be able to skip ahead, you'll just prolong your journey.


Get Out of My Belly

My husband and I are into the second week of our anti-inflammatory cleanse and we both feel great!

I was feeling heavy and sluggish throughout the day and we both want to shed some excess fat.  We've done an anti-inflammatory foods diet in the past so we decided to revisit it.  We both know that stubborn belly fat has been due to our nutrition so we cut out breads, potatoes and most grains for the first week.  Oranges, grapefruit and berries have been our fruit of choice and we've been eating more veggies; peppers, celery, asparagus and cucumbers have all been on the list.

Get this...After the second day we noticed a positive change in how we felt.

This week we are slowly adding more grains and carbs -oats, sweet potatoes, etc.  However, what's not on the list are bagels and donuts.  This was the spread in our staff meeting but we stayed strong! Surprisingly it wasn't as tempting as it would have been a few weeks ago and after talking to the hubby, he felt the same way.

One of his clients said it takes 10 days to reset your taste buds so I suppose we are well on our way.

Bring on the abs!

Monday, October 19, 2015



I'm HisMillennialHousewife and I am a chronic List-Writer-Note-Checker.

It's true! I like writing lists, I even JUST wrote a list about blog topics!  I think it keeps me organized and as I check something off the list, I know that I am being productive throughout my day. While this may be helpful in some areas of my life, my time with God is not something I can check off a list; and as I spend time with the Lord this morning, I have noticed something about myself that has kept me from diving into the word...

With the goals of being a stay-at-home-work-at-home-wife, it is safe to say that discipline is top priority.  I have to be willing to work when no one is watching and in some cases, without getting the approval from anyone else. (side note: freedom with my day job has allowed me to practice this).  I know this but I struggle with the follow-thru.  My husband said that I in many ways I'm ambitious but in others I am not and he's least up until this point.  By faith, I am saying that I create and follow "self-imposed standards for the sake of a higher goal" -Myles Munroe

During my prayer time, I wrote down "what do I need help with?"  Self-discipline immediately came to mind.  And it dawned on me; we are to study the word for what we need.  If you're having issues with your mouth, get scriptures to meditate on about taming the tongue and self-control; if we find ourselves being fearful, we should study faith and how love casts out fear...and if you're issue is self-discipline or lack thereof, find scriptures about that.  So that's what I'm doing.  I found a list, jotted down the scripture and verses and read through them all. I wanted to write some down in their entirety, so I immediately thought,  I'll write them all down, highlight or "check" what I like and just read through all of those again.  That would mean I did something, right?  Not necessarily -this is a note checker habit of mine but then Holy Spirit CHECKED me LOL.  He reminded me that there is no rush; yes there were about 20 scriptures but who says I have to read (which usually turns into skimming) each one today?

Heeding the Lord's leading, I took one scripture and read through it.  I then read it in different translations and wrote down the amplified version.  From there I went through and broke it down in my own words, explaining what it really means and how it applies to me.  This will be the scripture that I'll "chew" on today; I'll meditate on it so that it surpasses my mind and penetrates my heart.

That's today.  Tomorrow, before going for the next scripture on the list, I will inquire of the Lord to see if he wants me to do that OR something different.  Remember that it's okay to have a plan, we are supposed to be prepared, but don't get so caught up with working your plan that your life becomes a series of checked boxes.  Acknowledge the Lord about EVERYTHING in your life and be ready to listen and act when He directs you outside of what your notes say.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Conveying What's Within

his & hers
"His & Hers" material is huge especially for the newlyweds!  I wanted to create something that reflected God's word while basking in the married life so-to-speak.  Overall I like the piece, but it didn't come out exactly how I envisioned (I'm still working on getting what's in my heart, onto the canvas), but the important thing is the message.  I came across two scriptures that highlighted some key qualities that husbands and wives should have.  Many of them were similar while others distinctly highlighted the male and female role.  The world will tell you that husbands aren't faithful, that it's weak to be gentle and "you're a man, so do what you feel".  However, this does not line up with the word of God.  1 Timothy 3:2-3 tells us who the man is and what he should strive after.  In the same way, some women cringe at hearing the word submit, that a pure and quiet spirit is weak because "if I have something to say, Imma say it".  with the neck roll and all.  But Titus 2:4-5 lets us know what we should not only be living but teaching other young women coming up.
I've been painting or what I like to call, creating for about 3 years.  I have watched my style change and can see the progression of my craft.  I am getting better at communicating the message that's in my heart, onto the canvas.  I still have so much growing to do regarding this skill, but one thing I have to continue to remind myself is that, my creativity is a gift from God.  I will sometimes look at other artwork and wonder why mine seems so different, amateur-esque lol  Other pieces look so much more perfected...
but the great thing about art is its subjectivity.  The artist creates and bares her spirit; there is one truth about the painting but the beholder can get so many things from that one truth that 10 people can look at one piece and receive 10 different revelations; and then get something else when they look 2 months later.  The same is true for the word of God.  The bible says that all scripture is God breathed, (2 Timothy 3:16-17) which means that He is the true author of all that is written, it's not just another book written by mere men, it's inspired by Holy Spirit.  If it's in the book, it has a meaning, it's useful for teaching and can be applied to everyday life.  
When you have a gift from God remember to admire and learn from others with similar gifts, but to never covet what they have.  Know what it takes in order to perfect that what God has given you and DO IT.   

I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection.  But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me...Philippians 3:12
-His Millennial Housewife
wired for love
A continual piece, I did not lift the brush until I was done. God's love is continual and nothing can separate us from His perfect love for us (Romans 8:35)  You can't tell where the painting begins or where it ends and that's part of why I like this work!  When I look at it, I see wires and even the human brain which brings everything together full circle.  We are wired for love only and when we corrupt Gods original plan for our minds by abandoning love, we literally create chaos and brain damage -Dr. Caroline Leaf
We aren't meant to hate, to compare, to fear.  Instead we are intentionally wired, by God, to live in faith; encourage, nurture and sharpen others and to walk only

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hustling, Humble and Hungry.

This Instagram post really ministered to me and when I say ministered, I really mean convicted me!  It's easy to just sit back and admire others while they do what they love and forget that I have goals of my own that need to be cultivated.  Having a dream is great and the desire that God puts in your heart to complete your purpose is priceless; however, it can't stop at a dream.

The Lord put it on my heart quite some time ago to give attention to the gifts and abilities that he has given cultivate them.  I began painting, writing and anything else to express what I had stirring on the inside of me.  Since then, I have learned where those gifts can fit in building God's Kingdom.  While I did some things, I neglected others and of course, once "life" gets in the way those other "side things" go to the wayside.

But what is life if you're not doing what God created you to do?  To me, life became going through the motions, seeking a job that will bring me fulfillment. I thought that if I had a full time job making "real" money that I would feel more accomplished; the cycle, however, always seems to come full circle.  I would get a job, like it for the first few months and then be right back where I was...seeking more, wanting more, wondering 'what is my purpose?; I want a passion; what am I doing?'  I thought I was being lazy at first but I now know that it's hard to fit a circle in a square peg.  I am created to do something a bit different and the Lord won't let me rest until it's done.

Deep down, I have always known that, but that inevitable "life" drags me back saying "you need to do more.  Look at them, etc.  Going through continuous ups and downs in this area, I have now become fed up with the emptiness.  I want God's best for me at any cost.  I have hoped for it for so long, but I haven't devoted myself fully to WALK in my purpose.

Today in church, our Pastor was talking about reigniting your dreams; that God gives you a dream and then equips you to live it out.  I may not have all the answers at this moment, but I have served God long enough to know that I am going to have to walk in faith.  To do one step, then the next, and then do that one long enough to get the next step.  You see I have gone from quitting things when the going gets hard to forcing the wrong thing just to prove myself.  Now I'm at the point where I am okay with having a different path from my friends' and okay with taking the steps to walk that path.  However, as Pastor says, "analysis paralysis" sets in and too much time goes by while I evaluate and wait for the perfect conditions.  This is partly the reason why I began blogging again.  It's a way to bring all of my creativity to one spot.  From fitness to art, spirituality to hair and of course writing!

In addition to doing these things, I am going to devote myself to a more sincere prayer life, an intentional one.  I believe that God has given me everything I need to carry out my purpose and it's all inside of me waiting to get prayed out.  Romans 8:26-27 This is the area that I have often fell short in and I know that I have delayed my own progress because of it.  Not anymore.

If you can relate to any of this, I encourage you to revisit the last thing the Lord told you to do...and DO IT.  We must put obedience before convenience.  Can the Lord trust you with his purpose for you, or will He have to give it to the next willing vessel?

Be Humble.  Be hungry.  Hustle.

-His Millennial Housewife

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Quads vs Jeans

"You either want quads or you want jeans you really can't have both"

I saw this quote on Instagram today and it fits perfectly with my blog for today.  I now know that I am not alone.  Over the past month or so I have had the bitter sweet opportunity to experience gains first-hand!

The first occasion was this summer, I wanted to slip into some fitted cargo shorts and couldn't even get them past my thighs.   When I couldn't fit the shorts, I was so excited becuase I had just gotten through complaining to the hubby about how slow my leg progress was...very ironic.

The second occasion was a pair of old jeans.  All of my usual jeans were starting to feel a bit more snug than usual (Most of my bottoms are fitted with stretch specifically because I was not genetically blessed with the traditional "black booty" if you know what I mean).  I grabbed an old pair from my mom's house that were skinny but were a larger size and wider leg openings...I was putting them on and as I got to the hopping portion to get my pants in the perfect spot..."riiiiip"  I stood there with the uh-oh-face looking at my husband.  "Did you hear that?!"  I looked behind me and sure enough, the pants were gonners.

The final straw was this past weekend.  Now granted, I have gotten to the point where I would much rather wear leggings, shorts or dresses just because my legs have started to get so uncomfortable in my other pants, but I could still wear them!  This weekend, I went through literally three pairs of jeans that could no longer fit past my thighs and if I could squeeze them past, they wouldn't sit on my waist.  I felt like I was sagging, but it tight pants lol you know how the guys are wearing them these days! p.s. that's not cool.

With my wardrobe options dwindling, I began to get a tad bit frustrated.  Then my husband had to remind me "Hey this is a good thing!  Gains baby, this is what you wanted remember?"  "yeah but these are nice jeans!"  I was a little annoyed but I had to snap out of it quick; hubby is absolutely right.  I have been putting in a lot of lower body work to see shape and definition reveal itself in my naturally slim frame. I still have bulking goals and growing out of pants is a victory that I will take!

What's pretty cool is that I'm not the only one experiencing "gain-syndrome".  There's so many ladies on social media that share my experience.

I'll go shopping soon to replace clothes that I've outgrown, including dresses and tops that now fit too tight around the arms.  I'll definitely be more strategic about what I purchase so I'll literally have room to grow.

-His Millennial Housewife

Twist and Shout

Okay, so I have been rocking my curls consistently for the past 3 weeks and I’m loving it!  I by no  means have all the answers but here are the top 3 things that have helped my twist out keep the lock and luster...

1       Re-twist hair at night
This can be a pain, but take it from someone who has tried sleeping with just a bonnet and woke up disappointed.  My hair is considered medium length and for me, just sticking the bonnet on did not work for my twist out (This works for my flexi rod sets).  It takes me about 30-45 minutes to re-twist my hair.  Your nightly routine may vary and you have to find what works for you.  A lot of my length is at the top of my head and middle is extremely dense.  This is why I think the pineapple isn't effective for me unless I’m going to wear a puff the next day.

2      Oil up and Don’t fully detangle
What I mean by this is, avoid the denman brush at night.  For me, I have found when I slip some oil along the chunk of hair I’m about to twist and lightly detangle with my fingers, it works great!  The next day when I unravel my hair, the twists from before pretty much separate on their own!  One twist from the middle part of my head usually separates 4 or 5 times with minimal finger interaction which we know ladies, means LESS FRIZZ!  I also noticed that my hair stretched nicely with this method.

3        Seal Ends with curl cream AND Eco styler gel

Speaking of frizz, I was noticing that even when I moisturized the night before, my ends still looked frizzy and dry.  As a longer term goal, I will be sure to deep condition more regularly; but an effective short term is adding some gel at the end of my twists.  I simply add a small bit of curl cream followed by an even smaller day of gel and finger curl the ends.  When I tell you that my take-down was much more successful…I was literally smiling in the public locker room mirror!

Share your tips, I want to hear them!

-His Millennial Housewife

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Nutrition Update

Okay, so I'm technically 6 weeks out from my 1st figure competition and nutrition has been the most challenging, by far!  I say technically because I have slacked so much with my food intake that I would not be bringing the best package to the stage.  While I know that my workouts are strong and consistent, I have been constantly struggling to see what works best for me nutritionally and stick to it.  The most frustrating has been the lack of "ab-age" LOL.  My quads are sweeping, shoulders are popping but the abs...where for art thou abs?!  LOL.

Here's what I eat on a typical day:

Breakfast: Oats or Ezekial Bread and Eggs
Lunch: Chicken Breast and usually Brown Rice
Snack: Fruit, Almonds
Post Workout: Whey Protein Shake
Snack: Pb&J or Pancakes
Dinner: Steak or Roast and Veggies
Snack: Fruit

Okay, so looking at that breakdown, I know that I am still not getting enough protein to foster my muscle growth.  My husband always gets on me about not having my evening casein shake when I want to snack instead...and speaking of snacking, I am also starting to learn that carbs in the evening, outside of post-workout is not ideal for me and sometimes I'll have my pb&j/pancakes too late in the day.  In addition, I want to regulate the fruit I'm consuming, as some fruits are high on the glycemic index and cause me to bloat.  Lastly, while the goal is 1 gallon of water a day, I am hitting more like 72 ounces.  

Overall, I don't think this is a bad log, however, for someone with goals that are still kind of far off, I need to be tighter.  Not to mention the weekend!  My husband and I usually eat out at least 2-3 times on the weekend, and we're not hitting up 7 Greens, if you know what I'm sayin'.  I enjoy food, but even as I write this, I am embarrassed to say I have a goal but still haven't got it right in the kitchen.   

Although I am postponing my show debut, my focus for the next few weeks is getting robotic with my food and starting to track my macros again; to keep the workout intensity high while giving my body adequate time to recover (I've had a few aches here and there).  Discipline and consistency are my partners thru this journey and if I keep at it, I know I'll see the results that I want...even when those thoughts of failure come into my mind, I know that those are not my thoughts and cast them down.  The only reason I haven't seen MY best physique is because I haven't done everything I know to do, period.  With that said, here are 5 things I haven't been doing but I will do consistently for the next few weeks:

1. Track my macros each day and adjust where needed
2. Cut carbohydrate consumption after 6 pm during the week
3. Drink 1 Gallon of water per day
4. Consistently take my supplements
5. Remember why I'm doing this...I have a personal desire to look like a complete package athlete.  I'm not doing this for my husband, not to walk across a stage or to flaunt my body on social media.  I'm doing this for me.

-his millennial housewife

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Curl Debut

Perm rod set on straightened hair

Twist out on stretched hair

"Yea, your hair is cute and all but I like my perm!"  This used to be my response to my newly natural friends when they would encouragingly try to get me to embrace going natural.  I was not trying to hear it!  LOL that is until I was ready.

September of 2012 I made a quality decision to get off the 'creamy crack' cold turkey.  Can you say bad timing LOL...I had a short haircut, so not only was I feigning for straight roots, but I also had to go through those awkward length phases without having the option of a ponytail!  At the time, I was not into weaves or protective styling so there was nothing much I knew to do with my hair besides be patient.

Fast forward to August, 2015.  I am just under 3 years completely natural and I'm STILL getting used to the differences in my hair from when I had a perm.  This summer has been the toughest.  I soon found that the humidity and my newly pressed hair did not mix; not to mention my 6 day/week workout schedule.  I was frustrated with paying money to get my hair styled, only to find it frizzy and curl-less, hours later!

I eventually tried a sew in.  I wasn't familiar with weaves but I was so frustrated with doing my hair that I needed a break.  The sew in served it's purpose, but I must admit, the installation and take-down had me wondering if I wanted to to continue down that path.  "I just want to be able to do my own hair" I would respond to my mother, who for a long time didn't understand why I would want to be natural in the first place (especially after seeing the PROCESS of washing and blow drying).  I ignored my skeptic mother (who BTW is now natural), finding comfort in the fact that I was natural. No matter how unruly I felt my hair was, I honestly enjoyed seeing it curl up, bounce around and I was even starting to embrace the thickness.  Deep down inside, it was something about the fact that I was embracing the way my hair grew out of my scalp...this is the real me.  Is that too deep?  I mean it's only hair right?  But I'm sure my fellow naturals can understand the journey you go through when you decide to accept your hair for what it is.

Okay fast forward.  So I'm natural, but I still was trying to straighten it.  There's nothing wrong with this, but as I mentioned before, this wasn't working for me because of the 2 and workouts.  After exhausting my milkmaid braids, I wanted something different; I had tried twist outs before with no success.  I would either take my hair down before it was completely dry (a big NO NO) or I wasn't using the correct products. Well recently I decided to give it another go.  The perm rod set pictured above was the first time I actually took my curls to the streets!  I felt confident with them, but then I got sooooo many compliments that it did honestly make me think "okay, okay I can do this".  The most meaningful compliments came from my husband though.  Ladies, you know how it is when you're trying something new, you may like it but it's so different to you that you are hoping for a little positive reinforcement.   Knowing that he is embracing my hair continues to make me feel more comfortable with this new look.

Shortly after, I attempted the twist out.  Different look, but once again, I just owned it and let the curls fall where they may!  I have curls now and my goal is to stay away from flat ironing my hair for at least 6 months.  I'm up for the challenge.  This means giving my hair the TLC it needs: taking the time to wash, condition, detangle and style.  I'm still learning so much and I am excited about seeing how my hair will grow and gets trained in this new style.  I can finally say that I'm grateful for my hair, can you?


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Personal Record: Chest

Today I hit a PR

I benched 95#, 12 times!!  So you say "what's the big deal?"  Only that I have been desperately trying to rep 95# for almost 6 months...maybe longer.  Yep, 85 was where I resided for what seemed like an eternity.  I wouldn't look forward to chest day partly because I knew bench press would be first.  Some days I would get up to 95 but it wouldn't last, I may have a good day but the next chest day would be like I never upped the weight.  I struggled mentally with every chest day, as it seemed that I was never making any lasting progress.

Thankfully, my husband kept pushing me to stick with it.  I would say

"is chest all that important in figure competitions?" 

He would answer with a yes-it's-all-about-symmetry-and-balance, answer

"OK well if it's important, it's not as important as legs and back, right?"

"Remember when you work chest, you're also incorporating other muscles that will show in competition, like shoulders and triceps"

  I always wanted to reason my way out of working chest but truth be told, I don't enjoy it because it's HARD and it's tough to see noticeable changes from it.  But then again, I didn't enjoy working legs for a long while, for the same reason and I am now a proud owner of rump, with some quads on the side!  :)

What am I saying?  Don't allow yourself to give up on something that's beneficial just because your feelings tell you that you're uncomfortable; or worse, because you don't SEE the results.  What's our motto?!  We walk by faith and not by sight.  Whip your body into shape...1 Corinthians 9:27 talks about disciplining your body and making it your slave.  If you can do that, day after day, workout after workout, you'll find yourself stronger and better.  You may notice changes in some places quicker than others but remember, who do you have to compare yourself to, but yourself?

Therefore, embrace the process and keep moving forward.  If we are doing what we know to do, walking in the light that we have; don't you think God is going to put some super on our natural?  Or in the very least, correct us in the areas that we need to adjust?  Of course He will!  But remember, gas never did any good in a parked car.


Remember, Lift On!

Philippians 3:12

About Me

Hey everyone!

I'm Shanae Nicole and I am 'his millennial housewife'.

July 19th of 2014 I said "I do" to my husband and the man I love.  I have changed quite a bit in the span of just over a year...I've gone from seeking a job, to hiring people; unclear of my exact purpose, to recognizing and understanding who I am, and of course... deciding that I want to be a housewife!

I know what you're thinking...this day in age, how could I possibly want to be a housewife?  Well today a lot of my fellow 20 somethings (soon to be 30 somethings) have successfully become self employed.  And that, my fellow bloggers and readers, is my ultimate desire.  I don't want to work a job, that I don't get fulfillment out of, to take up the majority of my day simply because it supplies a check.  I would like to be immersed in my calling, walking in God's will for my life and relying on Him to provide for me and my family.  Not only through my husbands hands, but thru me...being that ever popular Proverbs 31 woman.  I mean face it, this woman's got it goin on and she's busy while doing it.  She stays looking good on the inside as well as the outside, feeds the kids, tends to the home AND is a help meat to the family thru the talents God has given her.

That's the woman that I admire and she will be me! This blog is just a start to me being a good steward.  Included will be some of the things that I believe God has gifted me with as well as my journey to living a clean and whole lifestyle.  From fitness to art, spirituality to hair...this is what 'his millennial housewife' is up to.
