Sunday, September 20, 2015

Hustling, Humble and Hungry.

This Instagram post really ministered to me and when I say ministered, I really mean convicted me!  It's easy to just sit back and admire others while they do what they love and forget that I have goals of my own that need to be cultivated.  Having a dream is great and the desire that God puts in your heart to complete your purpose is priceless; however, it can't stop at a dream.

The Lord put it on my heart quite some time ago to give attention to the gifts and abilities that he has given cultivate them.  I began painting, writing and anything else to express what I had stirring on the inside of me.  Since then, I have learned where those gifts can fit in building God's Kingdom.  While I did some things, I neglected others and of course, once "life" gets in the way those other "side things" go to the wayside.

But what is life if you're not doing what God created you to do?  To me, life became going through the motions, seeking a job that will bring me fulfillment. I thought that if I had a full time job making "real" money that I would feel more accomplished; the cycle, however, always seems to come full circle.  I would get a job, like it for the first few months and then be right back where I was...seeking more, wanting more, wondering 'what is my purpose?; I want a passion; what am I doing?'  I thought I was being lazy at first but I now know that it's hard to fit a circle in a square peg.  I am created to do something a bit different and the Lord won't let me rest until it's done.

Deep down, I have always known that, but that inevitable "life" drags me back saying "you need to do more.  Look at them, etc.  Going through continuous ups and downs in this area, I have now become fed up with the emptiness.  I want God's best for me at any cost.  I have hoped for it for so long, but I haven't devoted myself fully to WALK in my purpose.

Today in church, our Pastor was talking about reigniting your dreams; that God gives you a dream and then equips you to live it out.  I may not have all the answers at this moment, but I have served God long enough to know that I am going to have to walk in faith.  To do one step, then the next, and then do that one long enough to get the next step.  You see I have gone from quitting things when the going gets hard to forcing the wrong thing just to prove myself.  Now I'm at the point where I am okay with having a different path from my friends' and okay with taking the steps to walk that path.  However, as Pastor says, "analysis paralysis" sets in and too much time goes by while I evaluate and wait for the perfect conditions.  This is partly the reason why I began blogging again.  It's a way to bring all of my creativity to one spot.  From fitness to art, spirituality to hair and of course writing!

In addition to doing these things, I am going to devote myself to a more sincere prayer life, an intentional one.  I believe that God has given me everything I need to carry out my purpose and it's all inside of me waiting to get prayed out.  Romans 8:26-27 This is the area that I have often fell short in and I know that I have delayed my own progress because of it.  Not anymore.

If you can relate to any of this, I encourage you to revisit the last thing the Lord told you to do...and DO IT.  We must put obedience before convenience.  Can the Lord trust you with his purpose for you, or will He have to give it to the next willing vessel?

Be Humble.  Be hungry.  Hustle.

-His Millennial Housewife

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