Thursday, September 10, 2015

Nutrition Update

Okay, so I'm technically 6 weeks out from my 1st figure competition and nutrition has been the most challenging, by far!  I say technically because I have slacked so much with my food intake that I would not be bringing the best package to the stage.  While I know that my workouts are strong and consistent, I have been constantly struggling to see what works best for me nutritionally and stick to it.  The most frustrating has been the lack of "ab-age" LOL.  My quads are sweeping, shoulders are popping but the abs...where for art thou abs?!  LOL.

Here's what I eat on a typical day:

Breakfast: Oats or Ezekial Bread and Eggs
Lunch: Chicken Breast and usually Brown Rice
Snack: Fruit, Almonds
Post Workout: Whey Protein Shake
Snack: Pb&J or Pancakes
Dinner: Steak or Roast and Veggies
Snack: Fruit

Okay, so looking at that breakdown, I know that I am still not getting enough protein to foster my muscle growth.  My husband always gets on me about not having my evening casein shake when I want to snack instead...and speaking of snacking, I am also starting to learn that carbs in the evening, outside of post-workout is not ideal for me and sometimes I'll have my pb&j/pancakes too late in the day.  In addition, I want to regulate the fruit I'm consuming, as some fruits are high on the glycemic index and cause me to bloat.  Lastly, while the goal is 1 gallon of water a day, I am hitting more like 72 ounces.  

Overall, I don't think this is a bad log, however, for someone with goals that are still kind of far off, I need to be tighter.  Not to mention the weekend!  My husband and I usually eat out at least 2-3 times on the weekend, and we're not hitting up 7 Greens, if you know what I'm sayin'.  I enjoy food, but even as I write this, I am embarrassed to say I have a goal but still haven't got it right in the kitchen.   

Although I am postponing my show debut, my focus for the next few weeks is getting robotic with my food and starting to track my macros again; to keep the workout intensity high while giving my body adequate time to recover (I've had a few aches here and there).  Discipline and consistency are my partners thru this journey and if I keep at it, I know I'll see the results that I want...even when those thoughts of failure come into my mind, I know that those are not my thoughts and cast them down.  The only reason I haven't seen MY best physique is because I haven't done everything I know to do, period.  With that said, here are 5 things I haven't been doing but I will do consistently for the next few weeks:

1. Track my macros each day and adjust where needed
2. Cut carbohydrate consumption after 6 pm during the week
3. Drink 1 Gallon of water per day
4. Consistently take my supplements
5. Remember why I'm doing this...I have a personal desire to look like a complete package athlete.  I'm not doing this for my husband, not to walk across a stage or to flaunt my body on social media.  I'm doing this for me.

-his millennial housewife


  1. Good for you! It's great that you two have each others support with fitness and nutrition. Too often Danny lets my pouts and pleas get me out of the gym and from picking up ice cream at the store!

    1. Haha, thanks Carrie!

      Yea every now and then he gives in but usually he just uses reverse psychology on me and most of the time it works! lol
