Saturday, September 26, 2015

Conveying What's Within

his & hers
"His & Hers" material is huge especially for the newlyweds!  I wanted to create something that reflected God's word while basking in the married life so-to-speak.  Overall I like the piece, but it didn't come out exactly how I envisioned (I'm still working on getting what's in my heart, onto the canvas), but the important thing is the message.  I came across two scriptures that highlighted some key qualities that husbands and wives should have.  Many of them were similar while others distinctly highlighted the male and female role.  The world will tell you that husbands aren't faithful, that it's weak to be gentle and "you're a man, so do what you feel".  However, this does not line up with the word of God.  1 Timothy 3:2-3 tells us who the man is and what he should strive after.  In the same way, some women cringe at hearing the word submit, that a pure and quiet spirit is weak because "if I have something to say, Imma say it".  with the neck roll and all.  But Titus 2:4-5 lets us know what we should not only be living but teaching other young women coming up.
I've been painting or what I like to call, creating for about 3 years.  I have watched my style change and can see the progression of my craft.  I am getting better at communicating the message that's in my heart, onto the canvas.  I still have so much growing to do regarding this skill, but one thing I have to continue to remind myself is that, my creativity is a gift from God.  I will sometimes look at other artwork and wonder why mine seems so different, amateur-esque lol  Other pieces look so much more perfected...
but the great thing about art is its subjectivity.  The artist creates and bares her spirit; there is one truth about the painting but the beholder can get so many things from that one truth that 10 people can look at one piece and receive 10 different revelations; and then get something else when they look 2 months later.  The same is true for the word of God.  The bible says that all scripture is God breathed, (2 Timothy 3:16-17) which means that He is the true author of all that is written, it's not just another book written by mere men, it's inspired by Holy Spirit.  If it's in the book, it has a meaning, it's useful for teaching and can be applied to everyday life.  
When you have a gift from God remember to admire and learn from others with similar gifts, but to never covet what they have.  Know what it takes in order to perfect that what God has given you and DO IT.   

I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection.  But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me...Philippians 3:12
-His Millennial Housewife
wired for love
A continual piece, I did not lift the brush until I was done. God's love is continual and nothing can separate us from His perfect love for us (Romans 8:35)  You can't tell where the painting begins or where it ends and that's part of why I like this work!  When I look at it, I see wires and even the human brain which brings everything together full circle.  We are wired for love only and when we corrupt Gods original plan for our minds by abandoning love, we literally create chaos and brain damage -Dr. Caroline Leaf
We aren't meant to hate, to compare, to fear.  Instead we are intentionally wired, by God, to live in faith; encourage, nurture and sharpen others and to walk only

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