Monday, November 2, 2015

Work Day "Itch"


As you all know, it is my goal to be able to be a work-at-home-wife.  This isn't just for the sake of staying at home, but because in my heart I know I'm not meant to work a regular job.  You also know that I am currently a manager at a non-profit organization, which is actually pretty cool.  I have the balance of interacting with people and working alone on my own time.  What I do is simple, but has proven to be challenging.  This is good for me though, as I have been known to quit things that get too tough.

While I know this job isn't my final stop, I have to focus on what I need to learn from it.  I know that the Lord gave me this job and that means there is a reason I am here.  Some of the "aha" moments that I've had

-This position challenges me to work when no one else is watching (which is ironic because I am writing while at work-that's that itch! LOL).  But seriously, I have deadlines and programs to push, but what I do in between is up to me.  All that matters are the end other words it requires self-discipline; a word that I have been studying lately.

-This position challenges me to get out of my comfort zone.  Talking with people, making connections and selling the programs.  I know that I need to sell myself in the Arts and Entertainment arena (my mountain) and it's something that I am not comfortable doing.  My husband calls it a false humility...Paul says in Romans 12:3 that we are to think of ourselves soberly...not higher than we are but certainly not lower than God created us to be.  I don't think of myself as better than anyone else because who I am, is in Christ.  I am also no worse than anyone else because of who I am in Christ.  Get it?!  I haven't gotten it 100% either LOL but I'm pressing on toward the mark and this position is helping me do it.

If you're wanting more from your current situation, if you have that "itch"...scratch it.  It's okay to acknowledge and strive after God's best for you, but let's not despise small beginnings.  Don't get so consumed with the end results that you neglect the work that yields them.   After all, if you don't learn the lesson now, you won't be able to skip ahead, you'll just prolong your journey.


Get Out of My Belly

My husband and I are into the second week of our anti-inflammatory cleanse and we both feel great!

I was feeling heavy and sluggish throughout the day and we both want to shed some excess fat.  We've done an anti-inflammatory foods diet in the past so we decided to revisit it.  We both know that stubborn belly fat has been due to our nutrition so we cut out breads, potatoes and most grains for the first week.  Oranges, grapefruit and berries have been our fruit of choice and we've been eating more veggies; peppers, celery, asparagus and cucumbers have all been on the list.

Get this...After the second day we noticed a positive change in how we felt.

This week we are slowly adding more grains and carbs -oats, sweet potatoes, etc.  However, what's not on the list are bagels and donuts.  This was the spread in our staff meeting but we stayed strong! Surprisingly it wasn't as tempting as it would have been a few weeks ago and after talking to the hubby, he felt the same way.

One of his clients said it takes 10 days to reset your taste buds so I suppose we are well on our way.

Bring on the abs!