Monday, August 24, 2015

My Curl Debut

Perm rod set on straightened hair

Twist out on stretched hair

"Yea, your hair is cute and all but I like my perm!"  This used to be my response to my newly natural friends when they would encouragingly try to get me to embrace going natural.  I was not trying to hear it!  LOL that is until I was ready.

September of 2012 I made a quality decision to get off the 'creamy crack' cold turkey.  Can you say bad timing LOL...I had a short haircut, so not only was I feigning for straight roots, but I also had to go through those awkward length phases without having the option of a ponytail!  At the time, I was not into weaves or protective styling so there was nothing much I knew to do with my hair besides be patient.

Fast forward to August, 2015.  I am just under 3 years completely natural and I'm STILL getting used to the differences in my hair from when I had a perm.  This summer has been the toughest.  I soon found that the humidity and my newly pressed hair did not mix; not to mention my 6 day/week workout schedule.  I was frustrated with paying money to get my hair styled, only to find it frizzy and curl-less, hours later!

I eventually tried a sew in.  I wasn't familiar with weaves but I was so frustrated with doing my hair that I needed a break.  The sew in served it's purpose, but I must admit, the installation and take-down had me wondering if I wanted to to continue down that path.  "I just want to be able to do my own hair" I would respond to my mother, who for a long time didn't understand why I would want to be natural in the first place (especially after seeing the PROCESS of washing and blow drying).  I ignored my skeptic mother (who BTW is now natural), finding comfort in the fact that I was natural. No matter how unruly I felt my hair was, I honestly enjoyed seeing it curl up, bounce around and I was even starting to embrace the thickness.  Deep down inside, it was something about the fact that I was embracing the way my hair grew out of my scalp...this is the real me.  Is that too deep?  I mean it's only hair right?  But I'm sure my fellow naturals can understand the journey you go through when you decide to accept your hair for what it is.

Okay fast forward.  So I'm natural, but I still was trying to straighten it.  There's nothing wrong with this, but as I mentioned before, this wasn't working for me because of the 2 and workouts.  After exhausting my milkmaid braids, I wanted something different; I had tried twist outs before with no success.  I would either take my hair down before it was completely dry (a big NO NO) or I wasn't using the correct products. Well recently I decided to give it another go.  The perm rod set pictured above was the first time I actually took my curls to the streets!  I felt confident with them, but then I got sooooo many compliments that it did honestly make me think "okay, okay I can do this".  The most meaningful compliments came from my husband though.  Ladies, you know how it is when you're trying something new, you may like it but it's so different to you that you are hoping for a little positive reinforcement.   Knowing that he is embracing my hair continues to make me feel more comfortable with this new look.

Shortly after, I attempted the twist out.  Different look, but once again, I just owned it and let the curls fall where they may!  I have curls now and my goal is to stay away from flat ironing my hair for at least 6 months.  I'm up for the challenge.  This means giving my hair the TLC it needs: taking the time to wash, condition, detangle and style.  I'm still learning so much and I am excited about seeing how my hair will grow and gets trained in this new style.  I can finally say that I'm grateful for my hair, can you?


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Personal Record: Chest

Today I hit a PR

I benched 95#, 12 times!!  So you say "what's the big deal?"  Only that I have been desperately trying to rep 95# for almost 6 months...maybe longer.  Yep, 85 was where I resided for what seemed like an eternity.  I wouldn't look forward to chest day partly because I knew bench press would be first.  Some days I would get up to 95 but it wouldn't last, I may have a good day but the next chest day would be like I never upped the weight.  I struggled mentally with every chest day, as it seemed that I was never making any lasting progress.

Thankfully, my husband kept pushing me to stick with it.  I would say

"is chest all that important in figure competitions?" 

He would answer with a yes-it's-all-about-symmetry-and-balance, answer

"OK well if it's important, it's not as important as legs and back, right?"

"Remember when you work chest, you're also incorporating other muscles that will show in competition, like shoulders and triceps"

  I always wanted to reason my way out of working chest but truth be told, I don't enjoy it because it's HARD and it's tough to see noticeable changes from it.  But then again, I didn't enjoy working legs for a long while, for the same reason and I am now a proud owner of rump, with some quads on the side!  :)

What am I saying?  Don't allow yourself to give up on something that's beneficial just because your feelings tell you that you're uncomfortable; or worse, because you don't SEE the results.  What's our motto?!  We walk by faith and not by sight.  Whip your body into shape...1 Corinthians 9:27 talks about disciplining your body and making it your slave.  If you can do that, day after day, workout after workout, you'll find yourself stronger and better.  You may notice changes in some places quicker than others but remember, who do you have to compare yourself to, but yourself?

Therefore, embrace the process and keep moving forward.  If we are doing what we know to do, walking in the light that we have; don't you think God is going to put some super on our natural?  Or in the very least, correct us in the areas that we need to adjust?  Of course He will!  But remember, gas never did any good in a parked car.


Remember, Lift On!

Philippians 3:12

About Me

Hey everyone!

I'm Shanae Nicole and I am 'his millennial housewife'.

July 19th of 2014 I said "I do" to my husband and the man I love.  I have changed quite a bit in the span of just over a year...I've gone from seeking a job, to hiring people; unclear of my exact purpose, to recognizing and understanding who I am, and of course... deciding that I want to be a housewife!

I know what you're thinking...this day in age, how could I possibly want to be a housewife?  Well today a lot of my fellow 20 somethings (soon to be 30 somethings) have successfully become self employed.  And that, my fellow bloggers and readers, is my ultimate desire.  I don't want to work a job, that I don't get fulfillment out of, to take up the majority of my day simply because it supplies a check.  I would like to be immersed in my calling, walking in God's will for my life and relying on Him to provide for me and my family.  Not only through my husbands hands, but thru me...being that ever popular Proverbs 31 woman.  I mean face it, this woman's got it goin on and she's busy while doing it.  She stays looking good on the inside as well as the outside, feeds the kids, tends to the home AND is a help meat to the family thru the talents God has given her.

That's the woman that I admire and she will be me! This blog is just a start to me being a good steward.  Included will be some of the things that I believe God has gifted me with as well as my journey to living a clean and whole lifestyle.  From fitness to art, spirituality to hair...this is what 'his millennial housewife' is up to.
