Daily Bread

what's on your mind?

Recently, the Lord showed me where my thoughts had gotten out of control.  When He showed me the root of what I was dealing with, I proceeded to repent, pray and search scriptures on the issue.

With any issue that we face, the word has something to say about it and as mentioned in my previous post, it is our job to find out what it says.  Once we know what the word says, we are to renew our minds by meditating on it, rather than the thoughts that the enemy wants us to focus on.  But thoughts are just thoughts, they mean nothing, right?  No, that couldn't be further from the truth.  How we think is who we become (Proverbs 23:7).  We also know that the number of thoughts that go through our minds on a given day, fall in the category of good, bad and just off LOL. For this reason, we have to be diligent about what we allow ourselves to actually think on.

You may say, "how do I know if my thoughts are contrary to God?" Continually focusing on how you don't have enough money, the man or woman in the gym, or even playing out the scenario of what you would say if someone got out of line, are examples of choosing to meditate on the wrong things.  Unchecked thoughts can lead to worry, lust, pride and fear creeping into our hearts, which is a tactic of the enemy to draw us further from God and His word. (Mark 4:18-19)

What you meditate on in your mind, gets in your heart, once it's in your heart, it's bound to come out of your mouth and be put into action...get the picture?

Okay, so what do we think on?
...Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.  Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise... Philippians 4:8
The fact that the bible says, we're not only to be aware of our thoughts, but control them, shows how capable we really are!  You have more say about what goes on in your life than you previously thought; don't be tempted to pass your bad behavior off on a "I had no control" excuse.  Examine what you've been continually putting in your ears, eyes and mind; you may find that situations you're in, are a result of giving up control and opening the door to the enemy.

The good news, is the door can be closed! So the next time your thoughts start to carry you away on a tangent, interrupt them and bring them into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:5) Make that thought line up with what the word says by saying and continually thinking on the word; then do it again and again and again.


next time pray...and do it in faith

Have you ever told someone you would pray for them?  How often did you actually pray? Some Christians have diluted prayer - something that is powerful and effective [James 5:16] - down to saying grace or something as trivial as saying "bless you" when someone sneezes.

The Lord let me know that when I say I'm going to pray for someone, I need to do it.  The question that came to me was "are you saying you'll pray because it's the nice thing to do or do you really believe that a prayer in faith changes things?" I had to think about it; there have been times when I prayed for someone and I worried about it being answered.  I didn't want people to think that God wasn't good and that prayer doesn't work.  But girl, where is your faith?!  You see, prayer diluted is offered when we feel bad for someone else, when it's the "right thing" to do.  A prayer can even be initiated out of fear/worry (which we know won't amount to anything), but a prayer of faith is given when you hear something contrary to God's word and your spirit rises and says, "uh uh, that's not right"  That kind of prayer isn't concerned about what people will think, there is no wavering, only beliveing.  This prayer isn't your own words, it's simply the word of God!

I believe that this is what's missing in a lot of our prayers, the actual word...the word of God is what contains the power and our faith produces the results.  Hebrews 4:12 says the word is alive and active and sharper than any two-edged sword...; your prayer becomes alive when you use the living word.  If you don't know what the word says, find out.  Get the information you need from the prayer request and find out what the word says about the situation.  (you also have the option to pray in the spirit when you don't know what to pray and that's another blog ☺)  Then, hold on to that word; don't be moved by what you see and believe that you have it as soon as you pray [Mark 11:24]. 

Ex. A friend/co-worker has been worried or stress about work
A prayer that you could pray: Lord, I thank you for name.  I know that it is not your will for her to be worried because you said not to have anxiety about anything but in everything by prayer and thanksgiving to continue to make our wants known to you.  So we ask now for wisdom and favor on name's job.  Give her a spirit of excellence and help her to walk it out.  Lord, as a result of our prayer, we expect your peace to come upon name's heart and mind.  I ask you to help her to cast the care of all her concerns and anxiety, concerning work, onto you because you care for her.  We thank you that she walks in great peace in Jesus' name, Amen
Philippians 4:6-8; 1 Peter 5:6-7 
(Prayer your Foundation for Success, Kenneth Copeland)

The next time you have an opportunity to pray for someone, relish in the opportunity and privilege; pray for the person right on the spot, endeavor to do it later in your private time or add them to your prayer list...and remember to put the word on it.



From Halloween to elections; Night outs to music selections...I have, and will always be an outsider.

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.  Before you were born I set you apart..."
Jeremiah 1:5 NLT

My life has been one of a misfit...I never quite fit in.  Don't get me wrong, I have friends and I'm not a exactly a loner but I always found myself wanting to be someone other than who I am.  Who am I?  I am a Christian who has Holy Spirit inside me, constantly challenging me to come up to His standards and perspective.  When you have that constant nudging and knowing, it's hard to do wrong...but I found a way, even if it meant doing it with my stomach in knots.  I've tried alcohol, relationships, pledging and seeking"professional" jobs, all of which had me more confused than when I started.  I did what everyone else was doing because I wanted to be like everyone else...but I'm not everyone else, and eventually I woke up.

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think..."
Romans 12:1 NLT

Over the years, I have become more serious about my Christianity and as a result, other things fell by the wayside.  Alcohol was the first to go, then sexual sin and the music, then my credit cards.  The music cut me off cold turkey from the world because I no longer could go out and blend in...I didn't know the songs playing and as I began to zone in on the words I quickly became disgusted.  I had changed.

I'm now the person that has "kingdom music" bumping during my workouts and closes her eyes when there's sex in the movie..."what a square" is what the enemy will sometimes pop in my head when I think about what my husband and I do for fun: workout, superhero movies, eat, and church LOL (it even makes me laugh typing it) But truth be told, I'm happier than I've ever been because I'm starting to accept what it truly means to be set apart...who I am.

Some of you may be thinking, "I'm a Christian and I still go out or listen to what I want to listen to and have an office job".  Great, we're all set apart for different purposes so you have to follow your own convictions.  I believe the Lord has shown me things to incorporate in and reject out of my life because I asked; I gave Him permission to challenge me.  There are things that God has revealed to others that I haven't had the revelation of yet...that's great too because we serve a merciful and loving God who requires us only to live up to what we've already attained. Phillippians 3:15-16  It's when you can truthfully answer the question below that will prep you for growth.

Does your lifestyle reflect your current spiritual knowledge?

-His Millennial Housewife


Psalm 1


Blessed are those who delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on his law day and night. 

I like to focus on what to do, rather than what not to do.  Just like with health, it can be easier to think about what you need to add into your diet, rather than what you can't eat; once you do and eat what you should, there's often times no room for the junk.

Likewise, if we mediate on the instructions of God and desire His way, we automatically avoid the steps of the wicked, the way of sinners and company of mockers.  We don't have time for these things, they become drains and distract us from our renewed mind.

So what do we focus on?  Romans 13:8-10 talks about the law and how love is complete fulfillment of the law.  Think about what, and ultimately Who love is...God.  Love doesn't delight when evil prevails but rejoices with the truth.  It doesn't dishonor others by participating with mockers but chooses to believe the best of every person.  Walk in love and meditate on His way, and he will watch over you.
Selah: What would your day be like if you literally only meditated on the word of God?

Be a doer: Read Psalm 1, let Holy Spirit lead you to a verse that you need to meditate (to think on, say repeatedly, to ponder) on. Do it today.

Prayer: Lord, I thank  you for your word.  You said that all scripture is from you and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness; I give you permission to do that today with the scripture you have shown me.  Bring it to my remembrance as I go through  my day.  Nudge my spirit when other thoughts, cares or distractions try to overtake my thought life.  I thank you that you have heard my prayer and answered it.  I expect your revelation as my mind is renewed by your word.  Amen is Jesus' name.




I'm HisMillennialHousewife and I am a chronic List-Writer-Note-Checker.

It's true! I like writing lists, I even JUST wrote a list about blog topics!  I think it keeps me organized and as I check something off the list, I know that I am being productive throughout my day. While this may be helpful in some areas of my life, my time with God is not something I can check off a list; and as I spend time with the Lord this morning, I have noticed something about myself that has kept me from diving into the word...

With the goals of being a stay-at-home-work-at-home-wife, it is safe to say that discipline is top priority.  I have to be willing to work when no one is watching and in some cases, without getting the approval from anyone else. (side note: freedom with my day job has allowed me to practice this).  I know this but I struggle with the follow-thru.  My husband said that I in many ways I'm ambitious but in others I am not and he's right...at least up until this point.  By faith, I am saying that I create and follow "self-imposed standards for the sake of a higher goal" -Myles Munroe

During my prayer time, I wrote down "what do I need help with?"  Self-discipline immediately came to mind.  And it dawned on me; we are to study the word for what we need.  If you're having issues with your mouth, get scriptures to meditate on about taming the tongue and self-control; if we find ourselves being fearful, we should study faith and how love casts out fear...and if you're issue is self-discipline or lack thereof, find scriptures about that.  So that's what I'm doing.  I found a list, jotted down the scripture and verses and read through them all. I wanted to write some down in their entirety, so I immediately thought,  I'll write them all down, highlight or "check" what I like and just read through all of those again.  That would mean I did something, right?  Not necessarily -this is a note checker habit of mine but then Holy Spirit CHECKED me LOL.  He reminded me that there is no rush; yes there were about 20 scriptures but who says I have to read (which usually turns into skimming) each one today?

Heeding the Lord's leading, I took one scripture and read through it.  I then read it in different translations and wrote down the amplified version.  From there I went through and broke it down in my own words, explaining what it really means and how it applies to me.  This will be the scripture that I'll "chew" on today; I'll meditate on it so that it surpasses my mind and penetrates my heart.

That's today.  Tomorrow, before going for the next scripture on the list, I will inquire of the Lord to see if he wants me to do that OR something different.  Remember that it's okay to have a plan, we are supposed to be prepared, but don't get so caught up with working your plan that your life becomes a series of checked boxes.  Acknowledge the Lord about EVERYTHING in your life and be ready to listen and act when He directs you outside of what your notes say.



Hustling, Humble and Hungry

This post really ministered to me and when I say ministered, I really mean convicted me!  It's easy to just sit back and admire others while they do what they love and forget that I have goals of my own that need to be cultivated.  Having a dream is great and the desire that God puts in your heart to complete your purpose is priceless; however, it can't stop at a dream.

The Lord put it on my heart quite some time ago to give attention to the gifts and abilities that he has given me....to cultivate them.  I began painting, writing and anything else to express what I had stirring on the inside of me.  Since then, I have learned where those gifts can fit in building God's Kingdom.  While I did some things, I neglected others and of course, once "life" gets in the way those other "side things" go to the wayside.

But what is life if you're not doing what God created you to do?  To me, life became going through the motions, seeking a job that will bring me fulfillment. I thought that if I had a full time job making "real" money that I would feel more accomplished; the cycle, however, always seems to come full circle.  I would get a job, like it for the first few months and then be right back where I was...seeking more, wanting more, wondering 'what is my purpose?; I want a passion; what am I doing?'  I thought I was being lazy at first but I now know that it's hard to fit a circle in a square peg.  I am created to do something a bit different and the Lord won't let me rest until it's done.

Deep down, I have always known that, but that inevitable "life" drags me back saying "you need to do more.  Look at them, etc.  Going through continuous ups and downs in this area, I have now become fed up with the emptiness.  I want God's best for me at any cost.  I have hoped for it for so long, but I haven't devoted myself fully to WALK in my purpose.

Today in church, our Pastor was talking about reigniting your dreams; that God gives you a dream and then equips you to live it out.  I may not have all the answers at this moment, but I have served God long enough to know that I am going to have to walk in faith.  To do one step, then the next, and then do that one long enough to get the next step.  You see I have gone from quitting things when the going gets hard to forcing the wrong thing just to prove myself.  Now I'm at the point where I am okay with having a different path from my friends' and okay with taking the steps to walk that path.  However, as Pastor says, "analysis paralysis" sets in and too much time goes by while I evaluate and wait for the perfect conditions.  This is partly the reason why I began blogging again.  It's a way to bring all of my creativity to one spot.  From fitness to art, spirituality to hair and of course writing!

In addition to doing these things, I am going to devote myself to a more sincere prayer life, an intentional one.  I believe that God has given me everything I need to carry out my purpose and it's all inside of me waiting to get prayed out.  Romans 8:26-27 This is the area that I have often fell short in and I know that I have delayed my own progress because of it.  Not anymore.

If you can relate to any of this, I encourage you to revisit the last thing the Lord told you to do...and DO IT.  We must put obedience before convenience.  Can the Lord trust you with his purpose for you, or will He have to give it to the next willing vessel?

Be Humble.  Be hungry.  Hustle.

-His Millennial Housewife

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