Thursday, September 17, 2015

Twist and Shout

Okay, so I have been rocking my curls consistently for the past 3 weeks and I’m loving it!  I by no  means have all the answers but here are the top 3 things that have helped my twist out keep the lock and luster...

1       Re-twist hair at night
This can be a pain, but take it from someone who has tried sleeping with just a bonnet and woke up disappointed.  My hair is considered medium length and for me, just sticking the bonnet on did not work for my twist out (This works for my flexi rod sets).  It takes me about 30-45 minutes to re-twist my hair.  Your nightly routine may vary and you have to find what works for you.  A lot of my length is at the top of my head and middle is extremely dense.  This is why I think the pineapple isn't effective for me unless I’m going to wear a puff the next day.

2      Oil up and Don’t fully detangle
What I mean by this is, avoid the denman brush at night.  For me, I have found when I slip some oil along the chunk of hair I’m about to twist and lightly detangle with my fingers, it works great!  The next day when I unravel my hair, the twists from before pretty much separate on their own!  One twist from the middle part of my head usually separates 4 or 5 times with minimal finger interaction which we know ladies, means LESS FRIZZ!  I also noticed that my hair stretched nicely with this method.

3        Seal Ends with curl cream AND Eco styler gel

Speaking of frizz, I was noticing that even when I moisturized the night before, my ends still looked frizzy and dry.  As a longer term goal, I will be sure to deep condition more regularly; but an effective short term is adding some gel at the end of my twists.  I simply add a small bit of curl cream followed by an even smaller day of gel and finger curl the ends.  When I tell you that my take-down was much more successful…I was literally smiling in the public locker room mirror!

Share your tips, I want to hear them!

-His Millennial Housewife


  1. Good advice, I definitely need to try the gel on the ends, I tend to have frizzy ends as well. When I have patience because I have fine hair, it helps to make smaller twists so I don't have to separate as much.

    1. Yes, I agree with the smaller twists! Takes longer but usually you end up with a better product.

      Thanks Shanell
