Monday, December 14, 2015

Because Glutes

Glute development from February, 2015 (top) to December, 2015 (bottom).
I have developed a love-hate relationship with these shorts LOL they don't lie yall!
I must say that I was extremely excited to take my progress pics for this month because I have noticed the difference in my clothes; I know I have gained muscle in my glutes, BUT I was equally disappointed when I saw the pictures.  "It still looks so small." Is what I told my husband.  I think he knew what I meant but he focused on how far I've come.  Even the "before" pic doesn't depict just how UNshapely my glutes were when I first began weight training...I had a pancake butt LOL.

I've always been very self-conscious of my body in general but definitely of my backside.  However, since taking on lifting, I have been noticeably more confident.  (A lot of the this is due to my spiritual journey as well.  I've had to acknowledge some things, renew my mind about who I am in Christ and avoid comparing myself to others).  This is all still a journey but I have come so far from where I began, physically and mentally.

Back to the subject at I look at these pictures, I felt an initial embarrassment that after almost a year, this is all I have to show.  But as I look closer, I begin to appreciate the small things...shapelier quads, fuller backside and some noticeable lift in the glutes.  Things that can't be seen: I am improving my mind-muscle connection (I now feel the burn!), I'm stronger and I am more my clothes and in my skin.

I can appreciate these pics, but I'm not satisfied with my progress.  The pictures don't make me want to quit but they make me want to continue to work hard to see more results.  I have to constantly remind myself that my journey is my own and it's about improving from where I started, not relative to the "average" black girl...and now white girl booty today!  I now understand that it doesn't do any good wondering why you weren't born looking a certain way.  You have what you have.  But you don't have to feel stuck where you are.  If you don't like something, change it, don't use your genetics as an excuse to stay where you are, if you desire something more.  I may not have the natural genetics of big hips and a round booty, but working out is proof that I can enhance what my "mama gave me"'s just taking a LOT of extra work! :)

Latest Glute Program: I've started one of Brett Contreras' Glute programs.  The idea is to train glutes multiple times per week as opposed to one or two.  I've trained glutes/legs up to 3 times per week, but no more.  For this reason, his program is a bit out of my comfort zone (I'm skeptical about training my other body parts less because I don't want to lose what I've worked for in other areas). However, booty gains are my primary focus right now and it's time my workouts reflect it.  I'm doing something I've never done to get results that I've never seen.  I'll keep you posted on my progress!


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