Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Daily Bread: meditate on his word today

Psalm 1


Blessed are those who delight in the law of the Lord and meditate on his law day and night. 

I like to focus on what to do, rather than what not to do.  Just like with health, it can be easier to think about what you need to add into your diet, rather than what you can't eat; once you do and eat what you should, there's often times no room for the junk.

Likewise, if we mediate on the instructions of God and desire His way, we automatically avoid the steps of the wicked, the way of sinners and company of mockers.  We don't have time for these things, they become drains and distract us from our renewed mind.

So what do we focus on?  Romans 13:8-10 talks about the law and how love is complete fulfillment of the law.  Think about what, and ultimately Who love is...God.  Love doesn't delight when evil prevails but rejoices with the truth.  It doesn't dishonor others by participating with mockers but chooses to believe the best of every person.  Walk in love and meditate on His way, and he will watch over you.
Selah: What would your day be like if you literally only meditated on the word of God?

Be a doer: Read Psalm 1, let Holy Spirit lead you to a verse that you need to meditate (to think on, say repeatedly, to ponder) on. Do it today.

Prayer: Lord, I thank  you for your word.  You said that all scripture is from you and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness; I give you permission to do that today with the scripture you have shown me.  Bring it to my remembrance as I go through  my day.  Nudge my spirit when other thoughts, cares or distractions try to overtake my thought life.  I thank you that you have heard my prayer and answered it.  I expect your revelation as my mind is renewed by your word.  Amen is Jesus' name.

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